Head of the Chair
Group Additive Manufacturing
Group Modeling and Simulation
Group Casting Technology
Group Ultra-hard Coatings
Group High Performance Alloys
Guest Scientists
Email-Contact | Phone: |
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Lohmüller (NMF GmbH) | +49 (0)911 76672 33 |
Dr.-Ing. Martin Franke (NMF GmbH) | +49 (0911) 76672 45 |
Dr.-Ing. Michael Hilbinger (NMF GmbH) | +49 (0)911 76672 34 |
M.Sc. Nicolas Baumann (NMF GmbH) | +49 (0)911 76672 52 |
M.Sc Lisa Ankenbrand (NMF GmbH) | +49 (0)911 76672 51 |
M.Sc. Philip Keilholz (NMF GmbH) | +49 (0)911 76672 765 |
Dr.-Ing Natalie Kömpel (NMF GmbH) | +49 (0)911 76672 48 |
M.Sc. Hans Schmidt (NMF GmbH) | +49 (0)911 76672 43 |